Huawei 1
It became known what  average monthly salary is in  countries of Central Asia and Russia

The average salary for the months of January-September 2022 in Central Asian countries was announced
It was reported that the average nominal salary in Uzbekistan during the first 9 months of 2022 was 3.72 million soums or 335 dollars. This indicator is 24.9% more than in 2021.
Tajikistan ($159) and Kyrgyzstan ($279) are below Uzbekistan in terms of average wages, while Turkmenistan ($383) and Kazakhstan ($650) are relatively high. has an index.
Average monthly nominal wages include benefits, wages, incentive payments, compensation payments and overtime payments, as well as personal income tax and union dues.
To calculate it, the State Statistics Committee used the data of more than 3 million workers in various industries.

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