Huawei 1
1.8 tons of precious metals sold through the exchange

By the end of 2023, 1.8 tons of precious metals with a total value of 1,138.0 billion soums were sold through the stock exchange of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this case, the volume of gold sold through the exchange reached 1,135.5 billion soums, and the volume of silver - 2.6 billion soums.

The volume of sales of precious metals sold through the exchange increased by 2.2 times compared to 2022. During the months of January-December 2023, the exchange quotation for gold at the Republic Commodity Exchange of Uzbekistan increased from 684.8 thousand soums to 786.0 thousand soums for 1 gram, that is, a 14.8% increase sd.

The initial price of precious metals is determined based on the last morning fixing of the London Precious Metals Market Association in national currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the date of conclusion of the exchange transaction.

"Almalik KMK" JSC and "Navoi KMK" JSC participate in the exchange market as sellers of precious metals, and buyers are manufacturers, jewelry manufacturers, and individual entrepreneurs who have the capacity to process products used in industry.

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