Huawei 1
The chief imam-khatib of Tashkent changed

Rakhmatullo Sayfutdinov who has held the post of chief imam-khatib of Tashkent since October 2021, left the post on his own statement, the press service of the Muslim Directorate of Uzbekistan reports.

Abdukakhkhor Yunusov, who worked as the imam-khatib of the Abu Sahiy Mosque, became the acting chief imam-khatib.

At the meeting of imam-khatibs of Tashkent, which was held "in a critical spirit" under the chairmanship of the head of UMU Nuriddin Kholiknazarov, the mistakes under the previous imam-khatib were discussed. These include shortcomings in listening to citizens' appeals, problems in working with the population and shortcomings in meeting the needs of Muslims.

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