Huawei 1
Train schedule changes due to technical reasons

From September 30 to October 3, changes will be made to the schedule of the following passenger trains due to technical reasons. Here is the list of the newly published schedule.

September 30 and October 3:

Route No. 764: Tashkent — Karshi

Tashkent 7:34 — Karshi 11:49 

Route No. 766: Tashkent — Samarkand

Tashkent 7:59 — Samarkand 10:56 

Route No. 768: Tashkent — Bukhara

Tashkent 8:40 — Bukhara 13:18 

Route No. 710: Tashkent — Bukhara 

Tashkent 9:13 — Bukhara 16:15 

Route No. 716: Tashkent — Karshi 

Tashkent 9:12 — Karshi 15:28 

September 30:

Route No. 81: Sariosiyo — Tashkent 

Sariosiyo 19:13 — Tashkent 12:00 

October 2:

Route No. 764: Tashkent — Karshi 

Tashkent 7:34 — Karshi 11:49 

Route No. 766: Tashkent — Samarkand 

Tashkent 7:59 — Samarkand 10:31 

Route No. 711: Bukhara — Tashkent 

Bukhara 5:31 — Tashkent 12:34.

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