Huawei 1
Uzbek Athletes Secure 13 Medals at Asian Championship in New Delhi

Uzbek athletes won a total of 13 medals at the Asian Championship among teenagers and young adults in New Delhi. In the second half of the day, there were more successes for the members of Uzbek national team.

Gold Medals:

  • Hojiakbar Olimov won three gold medals in the 89 kg youth category.
  • Botir Parakhatov secured three gold medals in the 96 kg juniors’ category.
  • Madina Faizullayeva achieved a gold medal in both lifting and wrestling in the 76 kg junior’s category.

Silver Medals:

  • Ummatillo Rustambekov earned a silver medal in the 89 kg junior’s category for lifting.
  • Dilnoza Fayzullayeva won a silver medal in the 88 kg juniors’ category for lifting.
  • Madina Fayzullayeva received a silver medal in both lifting and wrestling in the 76 kg youth category.
  • Madina Fayzullayeva also secured a silver medal in lifting in the 76 kg juniors’ category.

Bronze Medals:

  • Ummatillo Rustambekov achieved a bronze medal in both lifting and wrestling in the 89 kg junior’s category.
  • Sevinchoy Komilova won a bronze medal in both lifting and wrestling in the 88 kg youth category.
  • Mashhura Faizullayeva earned a bronze medal in lifting in the 88 kg youth category.
  • Dilnoza Faizullayeva secured a bronze medal in both lifting and wrestling in the 88 kg junior’s category.
  • Gulshoda Dadamirzayeva achieved a bronze medal in both lifting and wrestling in the 76 kg youth category.
  • Madina Fayzullayeva also won a bronze medal in lifting in the 76 kg youth category.
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