Huawei 1
Youth of Uzbekistan may have  opportunity to meet  leading football teams of Europe

In this regard, a number of agreements have been reached with Italian educational institutions
During the trip to Italy, the delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education Rahimjon Hakimov held talks on the implementation of the system of training, retraining and improving the skills of personnel using the most modern technologies applied in developed countries in the automotive industry and other industrial sectors.
In particular, a meeting was held to expand cooperation with the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. In it, an agreement was reached on the training of personnel with technical skills in "Industrial production technologies" dual education, "Industry 4.0" digital technology, advanced automation, "Lean production" based on a 3-year curriculum.
As a result of this, the opportunity to train 100 personnel in this direction will be created every year in the future. One third of this period will be devoted to theoretical knowledge, and the remaining part will be devoted to the preparation of highly professional practical skills in industrial engineering and the involvement of future specialists in laboratory training.

In the dialogue with the representatives of the Italian CIM4.0 competence center, the issue of establishing the "Industry 4.0" academy of the Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent in Andijan region was discussed. It was noted that training, retraining and upgrading of personnel in automotive and other industrial sectors will be launched at this academy. It was specially noted that every year production enterprises will be able to train 80 skilled engineers.In addition, the issues of creating an opportunity for 50 Uzbek youths of the "Juventus Academy Tashkent" academy, which was established in 2019 at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, to participate in the international tournament "JUVENTUS" held in Italy, to meet with the leading teams of Europe, and to expand cooperation in this regard also took place in the discussions. As a result, an agreement was reached that would allow the academy to attract 100 young people to football every year.

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