Huawei 1
Smart suitcase that follows you around draws crowds at CES

Chinese tech firm 90FUN is looking to transform the way we travel with a new smart suitcase that follows you around the airport.

    The concept suitcase, dubbed the Puppy 1, which was showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this week, differs from other smart luggage prototypes as it is self-balancing and uses only two wheels thanks to Segway technology which is incorporated into the design.

    To be able to follow its owner, the Puppy one uses sensors that follow a tracking device that is kept with the owner. The suitcase is also fitted with GPS technology in the event that it goes missing. Other security features incorporated into the design are a fingerprint-scanning locking mechanism and an automatic breaking system that locks the wheels of the suitcase if it gets stolen or lost. 

    The Puppy 1 Product Manager Wu Clark said his team are working to make the suitcase lighter in weight and more economical before it is made available to consumers. 

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