Huawei 1
New Uzbekistan Park to Feature Craftsmen's Corner

In a recent decree, the President has taken steps to encourage people to engage in handicrafts and create a favorable environment for their development. The new measures aim to support craftsmen and promote their work.

Craftsmen included in the "National Catalog of Masters of Applied Folk Art" and "Register of Craftsmen Working in the Tourism Sector" will benefit from reduced turnover tax rates. They will have a 50% tax reduction on income from selling craft products, but only on amounts exceeding 100 million soums, up to 1 billion soums.

Additionally, the registration of trademarks for craftsmen will now be free of charge, making it easier for them to protect their brand identities.

To promote the growth of handicrafts, a significant portion of the funds allocated for home economics and handicraft development programs will be directed to handicraft projects. This will ensure that at least 70% of the funds are used for the development of handicrafts in 2023.

Furthermore, the Homestead Support Fund has been renamed the Handicrafts and Homestead Support Fund. Starting from June 15, financial support for handicrafts will be provided through this fund.

To facilitate international trade, starting from July 1, craftsmen will receive a 50% subsidy on international postage and courier costs for exporting their handicraft products. This subsidy will not exceed 50% of the product's export value, excluding shipping costs.

In an effort to provide suitable spaces for craftsmen, the government has introduced an electronic online auction system. Craftsmen included in the National Catalog and the Register can now rent immovable properties of cultural heritage exclusively for their handicraft activities.

A center for craftsmen will be constructed near the New Uzbekistan Park by March 1, 2024. The center will consist of a demonstration hall, a "Master-Apprentice" school, and workshops. Each craftsman will have access to up to 100 square meters of rental space on a 0.3-hectare plot of land.

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