Salim Abduvaliev receives Ludwig Nobel Prize
In St. Petersburg, the Deputy Chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan, Salim Abduvaliev has received the Ludwig Nobel Prize in 2022.
the press service of the Uzbekistan Wrestling Association reports.
Since 2005, the prize, revived by the Ludwig Nobel Foundation, has been awarded to iconic personalities of our time for outstanding professional achievements and unconditional services to humanity.
Salim Kirgizbaevich Abduvaliev also serves as the head of the Wrestling Association of Uzbekistan, Honored Coach of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Honorary Doctor of several prestigious universities in the world, philanthropist.
Since 2005, the prize, revived by the Ludwig Nobel Foundation, the brother of the founder of the famous Nobel Prize, has been awarded to iconic personalities of our time for outstanding professional achievements and unconditional services to humanity.
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