Huawei 1
Uzbek and French scholars discuss historic heritage of Uzbekistan

As part of the exhibition "The Splendor of Uzbekistan's Oases. At the Crossroads of Caravan Routes", an academic conference organized by the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art, together with the Louvre and the Collège de France, was held at the Louvre Museum. The conference brought together leading scholars from Uzbekistan and France to discuss the history, culture and various artefacts of civilizations that have existed on the territory of modern Uzbekistan for the past two thousand years. Six Uzbek researchers, authors of the Louvre catalogue articles: Bakhrom Abdukhalimov, Gennady Bogomolov, Dilnoza Duturaeva, Jangar Ilyasov, Saida Ilyasova and Shokirjon Pidayev, made presentations at the conference.

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