Huawei 1
Uzbek government introduces 'Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur State Scholarship on History and Geography'

A presidential decree was adopted "On the wide celebration of the 540th anniversary of the birth of the great poet, scholar and renowned statesman Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur".According to the document, the Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur state scholarship on history and geography will be established for university students for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Important points from the document:
-International scientific-theoretical conference on "The role of the heritage of Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur in the development of Eastern statehood and culture";
- The program of international tourism promotion "Babur's heritage" is implemented;
- Completion of the feature film "Tiger's Birth" dedicated to Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur's childhood;
- The supplemented third edition of "Babur's Encyclopedia" about the life and work of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur in Uzbek, Russian and English languages;
-Book album "Babur;
- Dictionary of Babur's works;
- A perfect edition of Babur Devon.

In addition, by August 1, 2023, the International Research Electronic Platform in Uzbek, Russian and English and its mobile application will be created.

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