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Iranian company plans to build large chemical complex in Ferghana region

The Iranian company Gharavi Chemical Industries Group plans to build a chemical complex in the Ferghana region of Uzbekistan.

The presentation of the investment business project took place during a meeting of the company's representatives with the mayor of the Ferghana region Khairullo Bozorov on Thursday.

The company plans to make a $15.2mn investment in several stages. It will produce chemical fertilizers for the domestic market, and the markets of the CIS countries and Europe. Moreover, the company aims to launch the production of biologically active additives for pet food. All facilities will be built within the free economic zone Kokand.

Gharavi Chemical Industries Group unites 12 chemical enterprises, exports more than 40 types of products to 20 countries of the world. It has extensive experience in the construction of chemical plants and the organization of production.

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