Mirziyoyev urged entrepreneurs to assist the youth in building their business. If this concept is realized, at least 500 thousand young people could be provided with work already next year.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev called the youth a source of energy, the greatest wealth, the priceless treasure of Uzbekistan. On Friday, as part of his visit to the Youth Forum in Tashkent, he promised to organize professional and business training for unemployed youth.
Mirziyoyev urged entrepreneurs to assist the youth in building their business. If this concept is realized, at least 500 thousand young people could be provided with work already next year.
The president announced the creation of youth small industrial zones in the regions based on the existing experience of free economic zones, where business projects of young people would be placed.
A special fund will be created under the Ministry of investment and foreign trade to finance innovative ideas and projects of youth, for which it will receive $100 million. These funds are set to be channelled towards the implementation of youth projects at low-interest rates and on favorable terms.
Roughly $45 million will be spent to the development of business skills of youth, and around $10 million of loans to support youth entrepreneurship projects across the country.
- A serious obstacle that our young men and women face today is employment. Therefore, the government is instructed to provide benefits to employers during the probationary period of young professionals, Mirziyoev said.
Another priority task is to support children from families in need of social protection, provide housing for young families, as well as to take measures to prevent family quarrels and thereby reduce divorces.
Mirziyoyev urged the youth to master modern science and high technologies, and promised to create all opportunities for this. The best innovative and startup projects of youth can get $5 million worth of funding starting next year. Modern training centers with in-depth study of information technologies will be established in more than 100 cities and districts of the country.
Moreover, the government is intending to reimburse up to 50% of the cost of obtaining international IT certificates. 300 thousand young people will enjoy free computer programming courses.
Some 200 applicants who got the highest score in the entrance exams will enjoy a special presidential grant throughout the education period.
Families with two or more children studying at the university on a fee-basis will be provided with preferential educational loans.
- I am convinced that access to such opportunities and benefits will be granted primarily to those who are ready to build the foundation of a new renaissance, said Mirziyoyev.
- Working with youth should be the main task for all of us. Time has come for every mayor, every minister to ask the question "What have I done for the youth today? What else can I do for our children tomorrow?", and this work should become an integral part of their daily activities, Mirziyoyev concluded.
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