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SAIPRO: Simplification of visa and registration formalities has led to an increase in the inflow of tourists

Accelerated development of tourism industry is one of the priority reforms carried out in Uzbekistan. A wide range of measures have been taken to create conductive environment for the growth in tourism volume. In order to affirm the efficacy of undertaken measures, it is vital to examine the number of international tourists as well as the total value of tourism exports. Thus, according to database of State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of tourists visiting Uzbekistan within 8 months has reached 4.32 million people in 2019. 

This is an increase of 26.7% in comparison with the same period of last year. Considering the rapid dynamics of international tourist arrivals reach by month, it could be noted that the trends have not changed, though the quantitative indicators have increased. The largest inflow of tourists to Uzbekistan was recorded in August. As for the February, statistics show the contrary data, since the smallest inflow was indicated during the winter. In August 2019, the number of foreign tourists was amounted to 692.3 thousand people, while in February the index was only 393.5 thousand people. Compared to 2018, in February, the number of foreign tourists was increased by 48.5%, and in August - by 18.5%. Over the past period, an increase in the number of tourists is being observed in relation to total period of 2019. The highest growth rate is observed in January and amounts to 64.2%. The lowest growth rate is observed in May and amounts to 12.5%.

According to the analysis, least amount of tourist activity takes place in winter, while in spring the inflow of tourists is to increase significantly. In summer, inflow of tourists continues to grow and increases by 18% -19%, in comparison with the spring season.

As for the tourism trends and ageing, no significant changes have been observed during the reporting period. Over the period of 8 months in 2019, the bulk of foreign tourists, i.e. 51.4%, are included in the category of tourists aged 31 to 55 years. This indicator decreased by only 0.6 points compared to previous year. The share of tourists aged 19-30 is 19.6%. Tourists over 55 years old make up 19.5%. Foreign citizens under the age of 18 make up 9.5% of the total number of tourists.

It should be noted that simplification of visa and registration formalities has led to an increase in the inflow of tourists from Central Asian, CIS and far abroad countries. In addition to the abovementioned, about 85.0% of foreign tourists come from four Central Asian countries. These are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. So, for 8 months of 2019, the number of tourists arriving from Central Asian countries increased by 24.6%, reaching 3.7 million people.

The number of CIS tourists increased by 27.7% and amounted to 264.4 thousand people. Tourists from non-CIS countries brought the highest growth rate amounted to 57.4%. As a result, the number of tourists from non-CIS countries reached 195.0 thousand people. The share of tourists from the CIS countries (other than Central Asian countries) and non-CIS countries in the total number is amounted to 7.8% and 7.1%.

Considering the inflow of foreign visitors for 8 months in 2019, the first four positions are occupied by the states adjacent to Uzbekistan. The largest number of foreign tourists comes from Kazakhstan (1.5 million people), Tajikistan (923.7 thousand people), Kyrgyzstan (904.3 thousand people) and Turkmenistan (309.5 thousand people). Out of the twelve CIS countries, Russian Federation brings the leading number of tourists (311.2 thousand people). As for non-CIS countries, Turkey annually brings around 40.2 thousand tourists.

There has been an increase in the number of tourists compared to 8 months in 2018, except for Kazakhstan. For example, the number of foreign citizens arriving from Turkmenistan has increased by 3.5 times, from the UK - 2.1 times, from China - 73.9%, from Afghanistan - 62.1%, from the USA - 60, 9%, from Turkey - by 60.4%.

Department of Financial Analysis and Rating

SAIPRO Information-rating agency

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