Huawei 1
Uzbekistan to build nuclear power plant in accordance with IAEA recommendations

The delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan headed by the President of the Academy of Sciences Behzod Yuldashev attends the annual 62nd session of the General conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is underway on September 17-21 in Vienna (Austria).

On the first day of the plenary session, President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan addressed with a national report. In his speech, he noted the importance of cooperation with the IAEA, including the implementation of projects within the framework of technical assistance.

Since the establishment of cooperation with the IAEA, the 25th anniversary of which will be celebrated in 2019, Uzbekistan, together with the IAEA, has done a huge work to improve the radiation and nuclear safety of the country and the region. A Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone Treaty was signed on the initiative of our Republic.

The Uzbek side informed the participants of the general conference about the signing of the intergovernmental agreement between Uzbekistan and Russia on cooperation in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in our country, as well as the beginning of the relevant work in this direction, the preparation of the program for the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and personnel for the industry.

The head of the delegation on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan assured that the project will be implemented in strict accordance with the IAEA recommendations and compliance with international norms and rules in this area, and expressed hope for mutually beneficial cooperation and support of the IAEA in this direction.

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