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World's most expensive brands ranking for 2022 has been announced

Apple has become the world's most valuable brand for the tenth time in a row.

Apple managed to maintain its leadership in the ranking of the world's most valuable brands according to Interbrand interpretation. The iPhone maker took first place for the tenth time in a row. The value of the company's brand is estimated at 482.2 billion dollars, which is 18% higher than last year's result.As last year, Amazon and Microsoft entered the top three. But this year, their position has changed: the Microsoft brand increased by 32% during the year and reached 278.3 billion dollars. This allowed him to overtake Jeffrey Bezos's company by about $3.5 billion and take second place in the ranking. The Amazon brand will be valued at $274.8 billion in 2022.
The total value of the brands included in the rating increased by 16% over the year to a record $3.1 trillion. It is noted that the brands have never risen so fast in the entire period of the Interbrand rating.
Top ten most expensive brands:
Google ($251.75 billion), Samsung ($87.7 billion), Toyota ($59.76 billion), Coca-Cola ($57.5 billion), Mercedes-Benz ($56.1 billion), Disney ($50.3 billion) and Nike ($50.29 billion).
Interbrand provides a list of only the most influential global brands. Due to the strictness of the criteria set in it, even large companies like Alibaba may not show the TOP result.

Its main criterion is that at least 30% of the revenue must come from territories outside the country where the brand is produced.The second criterion is significant brand presence in Asia, Europe and North America, as well as wide representation in emerging markets.
Another criterion is to have a well-recognized brand in the world's largest economies.

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