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"Ipak Yuli" bank opens new branch in Shayhontohur district

New branch of "Ipak Yuli" Bank opened in the capital in June of this year. The branch opened in Shayhontohur district. Now the total number of branches of the bank reaches 14 plus the head office.

There is a wide range of banking services that meet the needs of the clients' business in the new branch as well as in all other branches. Here a client can perform operations on money transfers, open an account, get advice on obtaining loans, and etc.

- The bank's management made a decision to open "Shayhontohur" branch taking into account favorable location of the district and concentration of a large number of entrepreneurs here. The branch began work on June 8, 2017. All conditions for serving our customers have been created, said Mansur Kamalov, chief accountant of Shayhontohur branch of "Ipak Yuli" bank.

Despite the fact that "Shayhontohur" branch opened quite recently, the list of its clients is quite long. According to the bank's clients, the transfer to this branch is due to its location, which is convenient for citizens living in Shayhontohur district.

- Shayhontohur branch of Ipak Yuli bank opened recently. Previously, our company was serviced in another branch; recently we decided to move here. For a short time, "Shayhontohur" branch has proved to be a stable and reliable business partner in banking services sphere. Since we specialize in providing IT services, it is very important for us to be responded quickly and efficiently to our requests. In this process automated products of the bank, such as Internet banking, assist us. We can quickly carry out payment transactions and other banking transactions with it. In addition, qualified, friendly attitude of the bank's employees help us in all the problems that arise and answer our questions, said Ravshan Abbasov, bank’s client.

The bank pays special attention to HR policy. So, it seeks to create the most favorable conditions for development of each employee and his self-realization. First and foremost, the bank fully supports prospective employees and makes every effort to disclose their professional, personal potential and maximizes social protection.

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