Huawei 1
Presidential candidate Maksuda Vorisova: I am an ordinary mother, an ordinary woman who knows about the problems of the people from the inside

Deputy Chair of the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Maksuda Vorisova has joined the presidential race.

"In my opinion, I was chosen because I am an ordinary mother representing the people, an ordinary woman, that I know from the inside about the problems that are tormenting our people today," she stressed.

Among the reforms that she intends to start first of all in case of victory, Maksuda Varisova also noted the solution of " acute problems that the population faces in the fields of education and medicine."

The candidate from the PDPU stressed that the party has set clear tasks and will definitely fight on the way to their implementation.

"The party's program reflects such main goals as ensuring the well-being of people, preventing the impoverishment of the population during the pandemic, reducing the level of poverty in society, ensuring employment of the population, especially the employment of women, protecting their interests," Vorisova said.

To the fact that a woman was nominated as a candidate for the first time in the history of the party, Maksuda Vorisova answered the following:

"This is not trusting a certain person. This is trust in the ideas, goals and program of the party. The people are waiting for us to solve the problems that torment them today, to solve them systematically. If we can correctly bring our goals to the people, then, of course, our people will support us and we will win, " the deputy head of the PDPU concluded.

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