Huawei 1
Uzbekistan and Iran agree to bilaterally simplify visa regime

On October 13, the Agreement between the Governments of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran on simplification of visa procedures for representatives of business and scientific circles and tourist groups came into force.
This Agreement was signed during the official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Uzbekistan on September 14-16.
According to the contract-law department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this document consists of 11 articles, and its entry into force will serve to further strengthen friendly relations between the two countries, and develop relations in the fields of trade and economy, tourism, science and scientific activities. does.We will remind you that earlier, at the SCO summit held in Samarkand, the two governments signed an agreement on simplification of visa procedures for representatives of business and scientific circles, as well as tourist groups.

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