Huawei 1
South Korean KT to equip Uzbek schools with computer classes

On June 7, Minister of Education Sherzod Shermatov and President of the South Korean company KT Yu Young Park signed a contract on the supply of computer classes.

According to the Education Ministry, KT has won the tender for the supply of educational and computer classes in the framework of the project "Further development of information and communication technologies in school education." The project is financed by a loan worth $33 million from the Export-Import Bank (Eximbank) of the Republic of Korea.

As part of the contract, KT will supply and equip 2,859 educational computer classes in 2,766 secondary schools of Uzbekistan. It is expected that by the end of this year about 700 secondary schools will be equipped.

"The project will improve the computer literacy of students. The Ministry of Education is already working on the revision of educational programs, including the teaching of information technology," Sherzod Shermatov said.

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