Huawei 1
Defense Ministry on recruitment of Uzbek military by foreign states

Information has appeared in social networks that the Uzbek military is allegedly being recruited into the army units of foreign countries. The Defense Ministry of Uzbekistan responded to the situation.

The Defense Ministry assured that the widespread information about the beginning of military recruitment in Uzbekistan by foreign states has no real basis- "Uzbek servicemen do not take part in hostilities outside the country," the ministry noted. The Ministry in its comments refers to article 125 of Uzbekistan’s Constitution, which states that the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan are created to protect the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uzbekistan, peaceful life, and security of its population.

"Uzbekistan's defense policy is based on the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, peaceful settlement of possible disputes. The Criminal Code of Uzbekistan provides for article (154-1) for admission, recruitment for military service, for service in security agencies, police, military justice or other similar bodies of foreign states," the Defense Ministry concluded.

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