Saneg accounts for less than 5% of Uzbekistan's gas production
The executor of the state program for increasing oil production in Uzbekistan is Saneg, which fully fulfils the planned indicators for gas production in the state. This was stated by the company.
Today, the company accounts for less than 5% of gas production in Uzbekistan. The key investments of the private company are aimed at the development of the oil sector, which, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan 1002 dated 15.12.2019, should show an increase from 378 thousand tons to 1.6 million tons by 2030.
The company is focused on providing the economy and the population of Uzbekistan with the most popular products of oil and gas processing - gasoline and diesel fuel, as well as modern types of oils for cars, kerosene for air transportation, and other types of products.
Saneg Corporate Communications Director Igor Gusenkov:
"As part of yesterday's press conference of the Deputy Minister of Energy, readers could have formed the opinion that Saneg somehow evades the implementation of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and does not fulfil its obligations for oil and gas production in the country. This is not true. The company is maximally interested in the development of the economy of Uzbekistan and strives to provide it with high-quality oil refining products from its own raw materials. Private investments, both independent and with the involvement of external investors, attracted by Saneg in the development of the resource base of Uzbekistan, exceed $500 million. Without the involvement of these funds, all indicators of the growth of the country's resource base and the provision of fuel to the population would be impossible."
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