Huawei 1
Karakalpakstan authorities use red-dye water cannons, no blood spilled

On July 2, the video footage circulating on social media platforms was shamelessly touting the streets of Nukus were flooding with blood which was later confirmed to be fake news. 

In fact, the law enforcement agents of Karakalpakstan merely tried to disperse the mob using red-dye water cannons which are universally used by many countries.

We live in a world of fake news which is used with malicious intent by some vile forces who always want to manipulate the audience.

Uzreport TV channel, ask its followers not to fall for such egregious misrepresentation and always verify the information from reliable sources.  

Uzbekistan is always ready to stand and fight against any provocation and incitement to hatred that may harm the people of the country who have lived together in peace and harmony.    

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