Mehribonlik House or Orphanage No. 21 was closed in Tashkent. Each of the 122 pupils found their way outside the orphanage
Mehribonlik House or Orphanage No. 21 was closed in Tashkent. Each of the 122 pupils found their way outside the orphanage. Someone grew up, reached the age of majority, went to study, and some found warmth and comfort in five-family houses created today in the capital.
House "Mehribonlik" No. 21 closed its doors in Tashkent. Mixed feelings may arise from this news, but there is no reason for concern - each of the 122 pupils found their way outside of this house. Someone grew up, reached the age of majority, went to study, and some found warmth and comfort in the five-family houses created today in the capital. It should be noted that after the distribution of children aged 5 to 18 from the Mehribonlik House, only 27 pupils remained. It was decided to transfer them to educational institution No. 22 named after. A. Khlebushkina, in the Chilanzar district of Tashkent.
In response to various comments from social media users with concerns that the territory of Mehribonlik House No. 21 will be given over to development, a corresponding statement was posted on the official website
“We officially declare that such fears are unfounded, and the assumptions about the construction of commercial facilities on the site of orphanages are fundamentally wrong.
The building and territory of the Mehribonlik House No. 21 remain on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. There will also be a children's institution here, and its type and status is now determined by the Ministry of Public Education. Which one - will be known soon.
All previously closed educational institutions remain on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan and are used (will be used) exclusively in the interests of children.”
Thus, earlier 13 Mehribonlik Houses, 4 children's towns and 2 Orphanages ("Baby Houses") were closed in the republic.
Specialized boarding schools are located at 6 facilities that previously belonged to Mehribonlik Houses. In the city of Kokand, in the building of the former Mehribonlik House No. 12, there is a specialized boarding school for blind children.
In the city of Margilan, a specialized boarding school for hearing-impaired and deaf children was opened on the site of Mehribonlik House No. 1. Decisions on which institutions for children will open in the remaining 4 Mehribonlik Houses, as well as in the children's town of Andijan region, are being made.In 2 out of 4 closed children's towns, there will also be specialized boarding schools. And in the children's town, located in the Navoi region, a branch of the Presidential School will be opened.
The buildings that previously housed Orphanages (“Baby Homes”) were also handed over for the needs of children: in the city of Gulistan, a Medical Rehabilitation Center for children with disabilities was opened in its place; in the city of Fergana - Children's Medical and Rehabilitation Center.
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