Huawei 1
Uzbek government lifts 1 million people out of poverty

According to the presidential press service, the main goal of the country's socio-economic policy is to increase jobs and reduce poverty. As a result of targeted work in this direction, the poverty rate decreased from 17 to 14% last year

Through vocational training and assistance in establishing entrepreneurship, 1 million citizens of Uzbekistan have been lifted out of poverty. Over the past year, about 200 thousand economic entities were created, the activities of 10 thousand were expanded and the production capacity of 11 thousand enterprises was restored.

However, in some regions, the situation is changing at a slow pace. For example, in Navoi, Surkhandarya, and Ferghana regions, no significant improvement in poverty reduction indicators has been achieved. In a number of districts and cities, the developed employment programs do not correspond to the available opportunities.

In order to further stimulate family entrepreneurship, the scale of financial support will be expanded. In 2022, about 10 trillion soums of concessional loans were allocated for this. This year, 12 trillion soums will be allocated for the family business program. The maximum size of such loans will increase.

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