Huawei 1
Andijan region development program for 2022–2026 approved

By a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated April 21, a five-year program for the integrated socio-economic development of the territories and further improvement of the living standards of the population of the Andijan region was approved.

The document provides:

• "Road map", including practical measures to address existing problems of the population;

• Specialization of cities and districts of the Andijan region, "points of growth" and "driver industries";

• Summary parameters of investment projects for the development of industry, agriculture and services;

• A set of measures for the development of engineering and communication, production and service infrastructure and the construction, reconstruction and repair of social facilities in the Andijan region in 2022;

• Address a list of promising projects for the development of social and industrial infrastructure of cities and districts of the Andijan region.

As a result of the comprehensive program for 2022–2026, the Andijan region will increase:

- the volume of gross regional product and industrial production by 1.4 times;

- the volume of agricultural production by 1.2 times;

- the volume of services by 3.0 times;

 - the volume of construction work by 1.4 times.

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