Huawei 1
63% of young people in Uzbekistan do not go to theaters, survey shows

In order to find out how fellow citizens spend their leisure time, as well as what is needed in their mahallas to diversify their pastime, U-Report and the Youth Affairs Agency of Uzbekistan conducted a sociological study.

Residents of all regions of the republic took part in the survey. As a result of the survey conducted among 36,000 respondents aged 7 to 35 in all regions of the country, it was revealed that:

25% of participants answered that during the day they have free time from work and study - the whole day (13%) or half a day (12%). Another 16% shared that they have 5-6 hours of free time per day.

It turned out that basically, they do in their free time:

1) Household chores - 23%

2) On the phone, sitting in social networks - 21%

3) Read books - 13%

4) Sleep, lie down, rest - 8%.

At the same time, only 0.2% of respondents indicated that in their free time they visit exhibitions, museums and concerts. Another 3% indicated that they do nothing.

Respondents named their hobby / favorite pastime:

1) sports (15%)

2) books and art (drawing, needlework, music, dancing, etc.) - scored 12% each

4) computer games, programming, etc. (10%)

5) tourism, travel (8%) and animals, plants (8%).

63% of respondents indicated that they do not go to such cultural and entertainment places as theaters, cinemas, exhibitions, museums, concerts; giving their reasons: there are no such places in their mahalla (32%), there is no interest (12%), they are not allowed at home (4%), etc.

Most of the young people surveyed expressed their desire to see the following objects in their mahallas:

1) Libraries / co-working centers (17%)

2) Gyms (16%)

3) Entertainment centers for children and youth (16%)

4) Place for sports GAMES (15%)

5) Theaters / cinemas and eco-parks / workout zones - scored 9% each.


The results of the survey show that, according to 53% of respondents, conditions for playing sports are not sufficiently developed in their mahallas, and another 18% have sports facilities, but no sports equipment.

Only 19% or 1/5 of the surveyed young people stated that they had the necessary conditions for playing sports.

47% of respondents indicated that sports, cultural and entertainment events are not held in their mahalla. Another 12% of respondents indicated that they do not have the appropriate conditions for holding such events.

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