Huawei 1
New toll road links Tashkent and Andijan

On June 14, the president met with voters in Andijan. As part of his election campaign, Shavkat Mirziyoyev promised to reform the transport sector. More details on the following report.

By the end of 2023, the construction of a new toll road worth about $2.5 bln between Tashkent and Andijan will begin. The World Bank will help to build the alternative toll road, and the travel time between Tashkent and Andijan will be reduced from 5 to 3 hours.

In addition, four electric trains will be built along the Andijan-Ferghana-Kokand-Namangan-Andijan railway, with eight trips a day. These trains will carry about 10,000 passengers a day and bring the residents of the Ferghana Valley closer. The project will cost $40 mln.

The international airport of Andijan will be reconstructed and fully equipped in accordance with modern standards. $350 million will be allocated for this project.

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