Huawei 1
Ministry of Energy on current shortage of gas and electricity supply

The Ministry of energy appealed to the population regarding the increasing demand for gas and electricity on cold days, and problems arising in their supply.

"The accident that occurred due to abnormal cold in the natural gas production fields of the neighbouring country caused a complete cessation of natural gas imports and a reduction in electricity imports by 20%. At the time of the shortage of energy resources, the export of electricity was stopped in order to supply these resources primarily to the population and objects of the social sphere.

In addition, the volume of supply of energy resources to large industrial enterprises was reduced by an average of 70-80%. Nevertheless, the electricity consumption of Uzbekistan has reached the highest figure, 250 million kWh. The daily demand for natural gas remains high compared to production,” the Ministry of Energy states.

The Ministry of Energy noted that they are taking all necessary measures to correct and eliminate malfunctions. The ministry advises the following:

- not using more than one electrically operated heating device in apartments;

- temporary transfer of employees of enterprises and organizations to online mode of operation;

- turn off excess street lights, advertising screens, and illuminations, including lights in unfinished buildings;

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