Huawei 1
Weather forecast for Uzbekistan on October 27


  • Night and morning rain, with no rain during the day.
  • Eastward winds at 5-10 m/s.
  • Temperatures ranging from 9-11°C at night to 22-24°C during the day.

Khorezm Region and Republic of Karakalpakstan:

  • Changeable weather with no expected precipitation.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Temperatures from 4-9°C at night to 17-22°C during the day.

Bukhara and Navoyi Regions:

  • Changeable weather with no expected precipitation.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Night temperatures ranging from 7-12°C, with daytime temperatures at 20-25°C.

Tashkent Region:

  • Changing weather with some rain in places.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Night temperatures from 7-12°C, with daytime temperatures at 20-25°C.

Samarkand, Jizzakh, Syrdarya Regions:

  • Changeable weather with no expected precipitation.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Night temperatures ranging from 7-12°C, with daytime temperatures at 20-25°C.

Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya Regions:

  • Changeable weather with no expected precipitation.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Night temperatures from 9-14°C, with daytime temperatures at 23-28°C.

Andijan, Namangan, Fergana Regions:

  • Changing weather with rain in some places.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Night temperatures ranging from 7-12°C, with daytime temperatures at 18-23°C.

Mountain Regions:

  • Changeable weather with occasional rain, especially in high mountains.
  • Some fog in places.
  • Eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.
  • Night temperatures from 0-5°C, with daytime temperatures at 7-12°C.
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