Huawei 1
Number of World War II participants in Uzbekistan announced

As of May 6, the number of participants in the Second World War and behind the front living in Uzbekistan is 174. The press service of the Ministry of Defense reported this.

Their number in the region:

  • Republic of Karakalpakstan - 3 people;
  • Andijan region - 6 people;
  • Bukhara region - 7 people;
  • Jizzakh region - 6 people;
  • Kashkadarya region - 10 people;
  • Navoi region - 9 people;
  • Namangan region - 3 people;
  • Samarkand region - 10 people;
  • Syrdarya region - 3 people;
  • Surkhandarya region - 8 people;
  • Tashkent region - 26 people;
  • Fergana region - 19 people;
  • Khorezm region - 5 people;
  • Tashkent city - 55 people.

The number of participants in the Second World War and the frontline, who are 100 and over 100 years old, is 25. The youngest is 78 years old, and the oldest is 112 years old.

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