Rain and Thunderstorms in Some Areas
On September 20, Uzbekistan will experience temperatures ranging from 23 to 25 degrees.
In Tashkent City, the weather will be changeable with occasional nighttime and morning rain, while no precipitation is expected during the day. The wind will shift from the west to the east at a speed of 5-10 m/s. Overnight temperatures will range from 13 to 15 degrees, and daytime temperatures will be between 23 and 25 degrees.
In the Khorezm Region and Republic of Karakalpakstan, the weather will also be changeable, but no precipitation is anticipated. The west wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will range from 10 to 15 degrees, and daytime temperatures will be 20-25 degrees.
In Bukhara and Navoi Regions, the weather will remain changeable with no expected precipitation. The west wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. Overnight temperatures will be between 11 and 16 degrees, while daytime temperatures will range from 23 to 28 degrees.
Tashkent, Samarkand, Jizzakh, and Syrdarya Regions will experience changing weather with possible nighttime and morning rain and thunderstorms. The west wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. Overnight temperatures will be 11-16 degrees, and daytime temperatures will reach 23-28 degrees.
In Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya Regions, the weather will be changeable with no expected precipitation. The west wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. Overnight temperatures will range from 12 to 17 degrees, and daytime temperatures will be 26-31 degrees.
Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana Regions will also see changing weather with possible rain and thunderstorms in some areas. The west wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. Overnight temperatures will be 11-16 degrees, and daytime temperatures will reach 20-25 degrees.
In the mountain regions of the republic, the weather will change with occasional rain, potentially heavy in some areas like Tashkent region and the Fergana Valley region, and there may be thunderstorms. Flash floods could occur. The west wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. Overnight temperatures will be 6-11 degrees, and daytime temperatures will be 15-20 degrees.
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