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U.S. experts to assess dam safety in Uzbekistan

A group of U.S. experts have arrived in Uzbekistan to inspect the Gissarak and Tupalang dams in the Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions, Dunyo news agency has reported.

“The task force includes experts with many years of practical experience in monitoring the safe operation of hydraulic structures, and representatives of the Uzbek Ministry of Water Resources, Uzbekhydroenergo and other relevant institutions”, it said.

Experts are set to study the physical condition and integrity of hydraulic structures, analyze the potential risks of failures in their functioning. Along with the study of the technical documentation of the facilities, they intend to inspect the dams using modern equipment.

The Uzbek government has decided to involve the professionals after the collapse of the Sardoba reservoir in the Syrdarya region in May last year, which led to a devastating flood.

Some 2,570 houses and 76 apartment blocks were destroyed. Thousands of people were displaced.

The disaster caused damage of more than $4.3mn. A part of the caused damage was reimbursed by the defendants.

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